About Me

The other day I realized that for the past 16 months (basically since I’ve started this blog) I’ve led people to falsely believe that this About Me section has been “Coming Soon” and then “Coming really soon”, yet nothing has ever materialized here.  So I decided, despite the fact that I hate being the center of attention, that it’s about time for me to finally bite the bullet and give you some tidbits on the writer behind Sun Spark …

The Basics:

Name: Tara
Age: 24
Hometown: Oakville, Ontario, CAN
Current City: Halifax, Nova Scotia, CAN
Favourite Quote:  This changes all the time, but right now it’s a quote from Dallas Green … “I feel like life is all about those little hells that you either give to yourself or that you have to go through in order to make you who you are. I think that’s what it is: getting through all that, getting through the trials and tribulations, is sort of what molds you into the person that you are, to build your character. If you’re able to get through it and come out at the other end, that’s who you become”

7 Interesting Facts:

1. I have Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, though contrary to popular belief about those in this program, I am not a jock or athlete in any way, shape or form.  I do love sports … but from the sidelines.  I used to be a student athletic trainer for a basketball team on campus, and I exercise at the gym, but that’s pretty much the extent of my athleticism.

2. This September (2012), I’m starting medical school at Dalhousie University.  It’s been a long journey to get here, filled with lots of hard work, unwavering determination, and continued support from family and friends, but I’ve finally made it.  While I’m interested in ER, Psych and Family Med right now I really don’t know what area I’ll end up working in, but regardless I know without a doubt that medicine is what I want to do. (***Note: I’m going to give a valiant effort to continuing my blog while in school, but I apologize in advance if posts get shorter or fewer in quantity or become more medically-oriented or if I fail altogether at keeping it going!)

3. I love the beach and ideally I’d love to get married on a beach and (hopefully) live on a beach one day. I find that it’s an escape, and allows one to be free from negativity, worries, and problems. It is the most calming and relaxing (and beautiful) place I think you can ever be and I find when you are there you focus only on the present moment and nothing else. It’s a place to breathe, to think, and to gain perspective.

4. I love traveling and want to travel the world someday, preferably sooner than later. Being able to see the world and experience different cultures and lifestyles is one of the things, besides getting married and establishing a career, that I feel I need to do in order to be able to say that I have lived a fulfilled life. I don’t think I’ll ever be completely satisfied if I never get to travel.

5. Up until university, music never really played a huge role in my life.  However, thanks to the influence of friends and a certain special person in my life, I really came to develop not only an interest in, but a passion for music.  While I tend to prefer the electronica and indie/singer-songwriter genres, my taste is pretty eclectic and I’ll listen to any song once.  I now believe that there is a song for every mood and situation, and that music does have the power to deeply affect us mentally, physically, and emotionally.

6. I have no artistic abilities … I can’t paint, I can’t draw more than stick people, I can’t sing, or play a musical instrument well. However, I can come up with a few creative ideas every now and then and I love to write. Writing is my one real creative outlet, and I often feel that I can express myself better through my writing than I can verbally. (I also used to want to be a writer or an editor when I was really young!)

7. I’m a perfectionist, as well as exceptionally long-winded and verbose (which can make for a deadly combination sometimes). Especially when it comes to writing things, I feel I have to include absolutely everything and go above and beyond every single time. It is part of the reason why I can never stick to page limits and why my blog posts tend to be so incredibly long and take forever to be posted!

 More About Sun Spark:

While that’s all the info about me for now, if you would like to know more about the story behind Sun Spark, including why I started it, and the inspirations and ideas behind the blog, please check out my first post: The Rising of the Sun.

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